Monday, October 13, 2008

Whirlwind weekend

This was a fast and furious weekend. Big R wanted to get the frame of his pole barn/shop up this weekend. And for the most part, he did. He didn't get as far along as he wanted, but the majority of it is done. He still has several trusses to put up and then he has to roof it but, he hasn't even bought the metal for that yet.

I tried to help him and wicked step-son as much as I could before going in to work Saturday. My best friend's mother died early Saturday morning and I wanted to go in and get everything ready for her service. Plus I wanted to see my friend. She's divorced and didn't have that "someone" to be there with her that all of the siblings did. Just wanted to give her a hug and let her know how much I care about her.

Big R can hurt my feelings so bad, and he doesn't even realize he's done it. He made some comment about our house being dirty yesterday. And it is.....we've both been working non-stop lately and the house just isn't as clean as it usually is. It is picked up, but not dusted, vacuumed, etc. And most of the mess has been created by Big R. That's what really, REALLY, gets to me. It's filth he's tracked in on his work boots all through the house, junk he piles up that I'm not supposed to touch, and he doesn't lift a finger to help with any of it. Makes me super mad when he makes a comment like that. I just want to whack him over the head!

Must go get ready for work now. I'm so in the mood for that!!

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