Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday Blah!

I have an 8am doctor's appointment this morning. Nothing wrong, just his "3 month so I'll have a paycheck" appointment. Doctors drive me crazy!

Big R has had a bad cold all weekend. Laid on the couch almost all day Saturday sleeping. He's on call this weekend and at least they left him alone that day. He's only had two calls all weekend. One Friday night, and one yesterday morning. Good Lord is looking out for him I guess.

It feels weird to have all of my shopping done....we go to the stores and everyone looks almost frantic trying to do their Christmas shopping. Makes me feel really good!

We haven't nailed down the plans for getting together with family at Christmas. Won't be much getting together other than the kids and Big R's side of the family. Sis says she's not doing Christmas at all this year. Nada....nothing. It's just going to be too strange Christmas day. I almost wish it were already over. Nothing like wishing my life away, ha!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Catching up...

Things went, well.....okay, for Thanksgiving. Not great, not necessarily bad, just okay. I didn't cry, so this is a good thing. I missed Mom. Holly Hostess, I'm not! The food tasted alright, it just wasn't Mom's. Big R had to take wicked step-son to the emergency room early that morning because he'd been hurting all night. Come to find out, he has walking pneumonia. While they were gone, everyone else started showing up at the house, I was trying to get the meal prepared. The garage door was closed, so they started using the front door (which we never use). An old stray cat has been hanging out on the front mat, and had decided the front porch was his personal "potty". Yeah, that was nice! "Come on in, just step over the cat poop!" And the step up to the front walkway - the one I've tried to get Big R to add for the last, oh, ten years.....well, he had finally fixed it and put it up next to the porch, he just didn't bother to attach it! Yeah, several people nearly busted their butts because they stepped on it and, hey, guess what? It moved! Thanks, Big R!!!!! But, all in all, I guess it wasn't that bad. Everyone ate, visited, and listened to the grandkids scream and run rampant. Hey it was Thanksgiving!

On the work front, we did one - count it - ONE, service the entire month of November. That's a record since I've been there. A little scary, but things are starting to rock and roll now. They had three on the board over the weekend. I'm supposed to go to the doctor tomorrow but will have to call and reschedule because we have a 10am service in the morning. I've been having some pain in my right arm, just above my wrist. I'm hoping I've just picked something up and bruised it, but it's right next to where they took the cancerous mole off a few years ago. Makes me worry a little. Probably nothing, we'll see.