Monday, October 20, 2008

And we're off and running.....

Monday morning, and we have a 10am service in our chapel. It was a semi-enjoyable weekend. There was some strife, a few minor altercations, but we had a very good meal at Paula Deen's restaurant in Tunica, didn't lose too much money, and made it home in time to take care of things around here. And the weather was drop-dead gorgeous this weekend! Cool, crisp, sunny, and exactly the way I like it!

Big R was going to work on his shop yesterday, but everything kept going wrong so he just stopped what he was doing and came in. We gave Corky a haircut instead. She was really, really shaggy so it all worked out for the good in my opinion. He goes on call this Thursday so we wouldn't have been able to trim her this coming weekend as easily.

My trying to lose weight isn't exactly going great. Of course, when we're eating at Paula's and Larry's Pizza it's not going to go great. Maybe I just need to reconcile myself to the fact that I LOVE to eat and I'm going to be fat the rest of my life. Look at it from another prospective. If we go into another "Great Depression", I'm starting out with plenty of meat on my bones. I won't starve to death nearly as fast as some of these other prissy little skinny people! HA!

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